Author Topic: Overscan Correction Problem  (Read 520 times)

Offline joelshort

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Overscan Correction Problem
« on: 2019 August 29 18:18:12 »
I have a Moravian G3-16200M with overscan enabled in the camera driver.  I use ImageCalibration to crop the overscan region from all subs (lights, flats, bias, darks). 

Here's the strange problem I'm having:  the first image in the list always fails with the error "Inconsistent image geometry."  If I only have one image in the list to be overscan corrected, that one image always fails.  However if that same image that failed on it's own is part of a list of images, as long as that image is not the first in the list it will calibrate just fine.  This happens with flats, darks, lights, bias.  The first image always fails even though the image geometry is consistent across all images. 

Any idea what's going on? 
Joel Short
CFF135 f6.7, SV80ST, G3-16200M, QHY163M, QHY183M