Hi Javier,
Thank you for uploading the images. I can reproduce the same black images with your .xdrz files, with and without local normalization, with and without spline alignment. Obviously, these files are not valid for some reason, which should be related to the way you generated them. I don't know.
I have registered the 10 images and integrated them to regenerate the .xdrz files. DrizzleIntegration works fine with the newly generated drizzle data, yielding a very nice image. I cannot know why this has not worked with your files, but anyway, I would just repeat the whole process carefully because there is no reason for it to fail.
When you apply LocalNormalization, please inspect the normalized files before continuing. Being the weakest part of the process (because of its ill-posed nature), LN is the most likely culprit.
Please let us know how it goes.
EDIT: I have just tried with local normalization data, which I have generated from the registered files, and drizzle integration has worked perfectly. So the problem must be elsewhere.