I will post the link here for my FITS File. If you can help me, I would appreciate if you listed the steps to process my image so I could learn from it.
I think you should start mastering the basics.
First, the focus of the image is terrible, you need to improve it since a bad focus can not be fixed in software. Perhaps it is only one of the frames, but you should check it.
Second, I think that you have not calibrated the images (bias/dark/flat). This is easy to do and makes easier the rest of processing steps.
Third, I don't know Sharpcap, but I wouldn't use live stacking as the starting point of the processing. PixInsight has tools to select/discard bad frames and first class algorithms to align and integrate images. The step of discarding bad frames is essential: there can be problems in the guiding, focus, clouds, ... A bad frame can destroy a good image.