Author Topic: [Unofficial] 4 New Modules - Source code and Win32 compilations  (Read 5692 times)

Offline Carlos Milovic

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Hello everybody

I'm glad to release (informally) the last 4 modules I wrote. There might be small changes prior to a inclusion to the standard set, specially in the interface, but they are fully operational (and bug free, so far :D ). Because these are very simple processes, and the algorithm is a secret to nobody, I'm releasing the source codes too. Feel free to improve them, or use as a basis for your own modules.

- Linear Hough Transform
This is a process that implements the LHT, an algorithm designed to detect lines in a image. Details, and an explanation of the transformation can be found at the wikipedia:

Win32 compilation:
Source code:

Examples, and a more specific explanation of this implementation will be included in a special document, in the following weeks.

- Circular Hough Transform
Similar algorithm to the LHT, but this time we are looking for circles. The result is an array of images, using alpha channels to store the results for different radii. Because of this, as a limitant the CHT only processes grayscale images, or the first channel of any other kind of images.

Win32 compilation:
Source code:

Examples, and a more specific explanation of this implementation will be included in a special document, in the following weeks.

- Gradient Mapper
This process calculates the gradient module of a image. This amount represents the rate of change of an image (the first derivative). Additionally, this process may calculate de gradient angle, or the direction where the slope of the change rate is headed.

Win32 compilation:
Source code:

Examples, and a more specific explanation of this implementation will be included in a special document, in the following weeks.

- Gaussian Blur
The name tells almost everything. A very simple implementation of the gaussian blur convolution (filter). Set the standard deviation, from 0.01 to 250 and the shape (leptokurtic < 2, gaussian = 2 or platykurtic > 2).

Win32 compilation:
Source code:

It is unlikely that I will write anything about this module, since it is a temporal implementation meanwhile Juan does not write the new implementation of the Convolutions process, which will include a more powerful/optimized version of the gaussian blur algorithm.


Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer

Offline Nocturnal

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Re: [Unofficial] 4 New Modules - Source code and Win32 compilations
« Reply #1 on: 2009 September 13 20:51:55 »
Excellent work Carlos! Many thanks!

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