Author Topic: I get this message while loading up images for a BPP script run  (Read 546 times)

Offline jamesRC

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Hello, people:

What does the message "** Warning: No flat frames have been selected to calibrate light frames (filter="B", binning=1, exposure=16.00s, length=100)" imply? I have, as far as I know, loaded all the files requested by BPP. Subs, flats, darks and bias. Yet I see this message?!

What's up, please?


Offline ngc1535

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Check the FITs header of your "flats"... the FLAT keyword must be there. If you find that TYPE is "Light"...then that is the issue.
You can force BPP to use those frames as flats.
« Last Edit: 2019 June 03 19:03:39 by ngc1535 »

Offline GJL

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In addition it has to be said that in the Fitsheader as well as in the BP Script / Flats above the Subs the filter must be specified with "Filter 1", not simply with "1" or similar.
Please also keep in mind that if you have saved the corrected flats in a new folder via ImageContainer and Fitsheader and for some reason repeat the process, the images will not be replaced but appended to the folder. Always delete the failed flats first, otherwise you might load the wrong ones into BPP and get an error message again. One makes so experiences...
