Hi I have just updated my MAC to and get this error with batch pre processing. Same parameters on Win 10 does not produce the error. Any suggestions appreciated.
MAC OS Mojave 10.14.4 PixInsight Core Ripley (x64)
[2019-05-20 14:59:40] /Volumes/All My Documents/Astrophotography/Dec 2018 onwards/Calibration Frames 1600FW data/Bias/Target 1_0.0001sec_1x1_Bias_frame1.fit
[2019-05-20 14:59:40] Reading FITS image: 16-bit integers, 1 channel(s), 4656x3520 pixels: done
[2019-05-20 14:59:42] Computing image statistics: done
[2019-05-20 14:59:42] 34 FITS keywords extracted.
[2019-05-20 14:59:42] *** Error: Parsing SITELAT FITS keyword: Parsing sexagesimal expression: Parsing integer expression: conversion error:
[2019-05-20 14:59:42] 37⬛d57m59.350s
[2019-05-20 14:59:42] *** Error: Parsing SITELONG FITS keyword: Parsing sexagesimal expression: Parsing integer expression: conversion error:
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] /Volumes/All My Documents/Astrophotography/Dec 2018 onwards/Calibration Frames 1600FW data/Dark-15min/Target 1_900sec_1x1__Red_H_frame12_2019-03-01.fit
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] Reading FITS image: 16-bit integers, 1 channel(s), 4656x3520 pixels: done
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] Computing image statistics: done
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] 34 FITS keywords extracted.
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] *** Error: Parsing SITELAT FITS keyword: Parsing sexagesimal expression: Parsing integer expression: conversion error:
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] 37⬛d57m59.350s
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] *** Error: Parsing SITELONG FITS keyword: Parsing sexagesimal expression: Parsing integer expression: conversion error:
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] 145⬛d12m29.200s
[2019-05-20 15:02:05] Weight : 1.00000
[2019-05-20 15:02:05]
No errors on flat frames.