Author Topic: Cosmetic Correction saved icon openeing failure  (Read 891 times)

Offline LarryC

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Cosmetic Correction saved icon openeing failure
« on: 2019 May 11 10:43:27 »
I reported this a couple of years ago and Juan agreed it was a problem and that it was going to be fixed, but apparently it has not been.   I have saved icons for each step of my process with all the settings so I don't have to figure them out each time.  However, with at least Cos Cor (possibly others) if the master dark file location from the last time I used the saved process icon is no longer valid, I get an error pop-up and the entire CC module opens with all settings reset to defaults!  This makes no sense.  Why not just default the single setting (a file location) and leave the rest of my settings alone? Or better yet, let me know, but then let the process fail when I try to run it? 

I'm on, Win 10. 


Offline LarryC

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Re: Cosmetic Correction saved icon openeing failure
« Reply #1 on: 2019 May 11 10:46:16 »
BTW,  I confirmed that at least one other process, the Calibration process,  dosen't fail like this - it dose not warn you but will fail when the process is run, letting you know at that time that the file location for the master dark is invalid.  That makes sense!