Hi Gents,
My optical path is:
1. 12"LX200 OTA (Meade Classic 1997)
2. 2" Feathertouch Focuser (no glass)
3. Starizona SCT Corrector F7.5 (effective scope/corrector FL is 2182mm)
4. Hutech OAG5 Off Axis guider (no glass)
5. Atik EFW2 Filter Wheel (1 1/4" threaded Astronomik LRGB, Ha 12nm, OIII CCD, SII CCD filters)
6. Atik 383L+mono CCD Camera
My location is in central Texas and the skies are somewhat polluted. Views to the north overlook the lights of the town of Burleson.
There is something (or a combination of somethings) in the optical path that produces a circular ring in the calibrated/aligned/integrated image. This ring feature sits just about center of the FOV and has an outer diameter of about 50% of the image height. The feature is not noticeable in individual subs, but shows up once they are integrated. It is most prominent in Luminance, while less in RGB and least in NB. The Luminance feature is so dominant that I'm not able to remove it with processing.
For processing, I use Flats, Darks and Bias with Pixinsight.
FLATS are produced with the Tee-Shirt technique in daylight. These are 30 subs at 10s each, and usually come in around 30,000ADU
DARKS are 30 subs at the same duration as the Lights (i.e. 600s)
BIAS are 100 subs at 0.001s.
All Flats, Darks and Bias are shot at the same temperature (-10C) as the Lights.
I've included a DropBox folder showing the following:
1. Screen Print NGC2146 & M63
2. Screen Print Combo Bias, Dark, Flat Integration & Luminance (600s) Calibration (PI)
3. Screen Print Luminance Integration (PI)
4. Luminance Master Flat (XISF) (PI)
Two separate vendors with an interest in this have suggested appropriate Flats should remove this ring feature. My settings as shown have been in place since around 2012, so I accept that they may be in need of change. Also, they could have been incorrect from the start.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.