Author Topic: astrometric calibration fits files and conversion to Aladin software  (Read 535 times)

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    I try to create Hips files from the software Aladin V10.0. Hips files are usefull to put file on a server and can use by public with Aladin software.
      First at all, I create an astrometric file with Script/Analysis/Imagesolver from a Jpeg color picture and I save it on "fits" format with astrometric calibration.

    After that I open my file with Aladin, my image is on good position on the sky with Aladin but it is on vertical mirror inversion.
    I talk to Pierre Fernique who manage Aladin software and he tell me that fits format files are calibrate. If I understand there is something on fits format create by Pixinsight witch is inverted.

    Could you help me please ?

    Offline pfile

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    move your mouse over the format explorer tab on the left side of the screen and double click the "FITS" module. then change the coordinate origin setting to whatever it's not currently set to and click OK. then rewrite your FITS file and check again in aladin.
