Author Topic: Utilized FITS keywords and XISF metadata?  (Read 526 times)

Offline dghent

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Utilized FITS keywords and XISF metadata?
« on: 2019 February 12 12:51:31 »
Hello, posting this question here for lack of a more specific sub-forum.

I'm working on some open source astrophotography sequencing software that is oriented towards DSO photography and a user can have it write out either FITS or XISF image files. We insert only the minimum required metadata for either format, plus a few extra things. I want to make this more robust and am wondering which FITS keywords and XISF metadata PI uses for any processing.

I know of BAYERPAT and COLORTYP and that one (or both?) of these are observed by PI to run the Debayer process in Auto mode, however there seems to be differences among different software regarding the actual content of these keywords (eg; RGGB vs. GBRG, etc). Could this and any other metadata used by PI be explained so that the files we generate have as much helpful info as possible?