Author Topic: PSF Lock Error  (Read 551 times)

Offline pmarshall

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PSF Lock Error
« on: 2019 February 10 09:00:02 »
I have used the script, PSFImage in Render a number of times to use in Deconvolution for the External PSF tab.
This morning, in using this script, I get an error message;  *** Error: The view is locked for write operations: psf.

What causes this error? I get this error upon execution of Deconvolution.

Any help appreciated.

Offline pfile

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Re: PSF Lock Error
« Reply #1 on: 2019 February 10 10:47:09 »
it means that the PSF image itself was the topmost image when you pressed the square button on Deconvolution. the square button always acts on the topmost (raised/selected) image.

 since the first thing Deconvolution does is to lock the PSF image, it's then prevented from modifying it. which is probably a good idea cause that would be like holding a mirror up to a mirror :)

either drag the Deconvolution triangle to the image you want to deconvolve, or first click on it to raise it to the top, then press the square button on Deconvolution.


Offline pmarshall

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Re: PSF Lock Error
« Reply #2 on: 2019 February 10 13:50:39 »
Whoops, the obvious eluded me.
For some reason, I overstepped my normal routine.
Learned about built in safety in PI though


Offline GregW

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Re: PSF Lock Error
« Reply #3 on: 2019 February 11 15:55:48 »
lol, I thought it happened because it wasn't saved yet as that was my solution as I create my psf and then I save it and reload it and that never happens. Occam's razor says just don't have it as the top image that's hilarious.  thanks for the input on the OP's issues. :P
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