Author Topic: How to align R G B and L stacked images  (Read 697 times)

Offline Rudy Pohl

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How to align R G B and L stacked images
« on: 2019 February 07 02:34:24 »
This is my first time processing mono images in PI, for the last 18 months I have done only DSLR images.

My problem is two-fold:

1. I have stacked separately all my R, G, B and L images yielding 4 stacks, but when I try to combine them with the LRGBcombine tool the Green stack is out of alignment.
2. My Luminance stack has slightly different pixel length and width dimensions than my R G and B stacks so it won;t combine.

Can you please describe for me how to fix these two problems or direct me to where I can read how?

Thanks very much,

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: How to align R G B and L stacked images
« Reply #1 on: 2019 February 07 03:34:38 »
Hi Rudy,

You can simply register the four images with StarAlignment. Much better if you use the linear images, but you can work directly with the already stretched frames too. Normally you should use the L image as registration reference, but it actually doesn't matter.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Rudy Pohl

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Re: How to align R G B and L stacked images
« Reply #2 on: 2019 February 07 03:48:37 »
Hi Rudy,

You can simply register the four images with StarAlignment. Much better if you use the linear images, but you can work directly with the already stretched frames too. Normally you should use the L image as registration reference, but it actually doesn't matter.

Thanks Juan,

I had always just assumed that Star Alignment was only a temporary state for files that were about to be stacked with Image Integration,but not so. Star Alignment outputs permanent files that have been altered, I should have realized. Anyways, it worked great.

Thanks again,