In my last post there was a lot of discussion regarding whether Signal_to_Noise Ratio could be calculated using ADU counts or if it had to be calculated using e- (electrons). This is especially important for the Canon DSLR camera (and maybe other DSLRs) because Canon subtracts signal from the RAW data before outputting the "RAW" image. The amount subtracted appears to vary with the length of the exposure. This makes it difficult to measure the camera "Gain" expressed as e-/ADU. If the camera "Gain" isn't know, then, it isn't possible to do the noise calculations using electrons.
Although Canon alters the counts it doesn't appear to alter the noise (at least not larger noises). This means that noise measurements are still valid even though the absolute value of the signals isn't trustworthy (because of the variable offset).
In this analysis noise is measured as follows:
- Using PixelMath subtract two similar images (Bias for example) to create a Difference image. I use the following expression in PixelMath {(Image1 + 0.1) - Image2} to prevent negative values that will be clipped.
- Measure the statistics of the Difference image using the Statistics process with the range set to the bit level appropriate for you camera (14-bit for the Canon 1100D)
- The StdDev is the noise measured in ADU units.
- There is a StdDev value for each of the R/G/B channels.
Using this same technique for measuring noise, two images were taken at several different exposure settings while looking at a uniform (light box) target. The second attached image shows a plot of the noise at each exposure setting (Vertical axis) vs the SQRT[Exposure Time] (Horizontal axis). The result should be a straight line (for each color channel) if the noise is behaving as expected. The straight lines for all three channels shows the desired characteristic.
With this background, the second attached image presents a noise analysis showing that the SNR will be the same whether the calculations are done using e- or ADU.
BAD NEWS USING ONLY ADU: The calculated Read Noise, Dark Current, and, SkyGlow Current values will not be correct.
GOOD NEWS USING ONLY ADU: The calculated SNR values are valid. This means that the optimum SubFrame exposure can be calculated without knowledge of the e-/adu value for your camera/ISO setting.
I've created an Excel spreadsheet that requires noise measurements from:
- 2 Bias images
- 2 Dark images
- 2 light images (registered to each other)
It also includes the effect of the wasted "Download/Dither time" between images. The third attached image below shows the curve generated by this spreadsheet for my system using an IDAS LPS-V4 filter. It shows that my current SubFrame exposures of 180 sec are achieving only about 87% of the optimum achievable SNR. Of course, star saturation still needs to be taken into account when choosing the exposure.
If anyone is interested in the Excel Spreadsheet just contact me with a PM.
Hope this helps,