Author Topic: Subframe Selector (bugfix 29th January 2019)  (Read 972 times)

Offline bulrichl

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Subframe Selector (bugfix 29th January 2019)
« on: 2019 January 29 05:50:25 »
Subframe Selector (bugfix on 29th January 2019)
Windows 7 SP1

The new Subframe Selector process does not show the Measurement Window but only a black rectangle.

The Subframe Selector Script is working fine.


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Subframe Selector (bugfix 29th January 2019)
« Reply #1 on: 2019 January 29 06:44:51 »
Hi Bernd,

This does not happen under normal working conditions, and cannot be reproduced on any of our working and testing machines, where SFS works reliably without any problems in version of PixInsight. This includes different Linux distributions, macOS 10.11, 10.12 and 10.14, and Windows 10. We no longer support Windows 7 as one of our main development platforms, but many users run PixInsight 1.8.6 on Windows 7 without problems.

The problem you are experiencing is most likely being caused by faulty graphics drivers. If you cannot update them on Windows 7, or if updating them does not solve the problem, try running PixInsight as follows from a command line:

C:\Program Files\PixInsight\bin\PixInsight.exe --opengl=raster

If this doesn't solve the problem either, then the only solution is probably a clean Windows 10 installation, or using the application on a different machine.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline bulrichl

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Re: Subframe Selector (bugfix 29th January 2019)
« Reply #2 on: 2019 January 30 05:06:29 »
Hi Juan,

thank you for your answer. I typed the line that you specified in cmd.exe, but PixInsight didn't start up at all (in process manager the PixInsight application flashed up only for a short time in the list of processes, but then vanished immediatly). So unfortunately this suggestion didn't solve the problem.

PI does run without problems on my laptop which is newer than my desktop computer. However, it is used only for image capturing and the screen is much too small for image processing.

My further investigations showed that with my desktop computer it was not the updated Subframe Selector process that led to the problem as the topic of this thread might have suggested. With PI (no updates applied) the same behavior was encountered. A similar problem also arises with the graph window of PhotometricColorCalibration, so I now decided to temporarily revert to PI

Since my desktop computer as is will not run with MS Windows 10 because of Intel's HD 3000 Graphics which is not supported by Windows 10, I seem to be bound to purchase a new computer, it's a pity.


Offline georg.viehoever

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Re: Subframe Selector (bugfix 29th January 2019)
« Reply #3 on: 2019 January 30 05:39:27 »
Bernd, you may be able to add a compatible graphics card to your desktop computer, and upgrade to Win10 after that. Should cost less than €80.
Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline msmythers

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Re: Subframe Selector (bugfix 29th January 2019)
« Reply #4 on: 2019 January 30 06:15:23 »
Also could you connect your desktop monitor to your laptop?


Offline bulrichl

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Re: Subframe Selector (bugfix 29th January 2019)
« Reply #5 on: 2019 January 30 07:47:49 »
Hi Georg and Mike,

thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate your suggestions which I also had considered before. Meanwhile I accepted that outdated hardware possibly will give rise to further problems in future. So I decided to configurate a new desktop computer, and it is already ordered by now. Probably image processing will be more fun with high-performance hardware (this is now really off-topic, I'm sorry).


Offline msmythers

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Re: Subframe Selector (bugfix 29th January 2019)
« Reply #6 on: 2019 January 30 08:20:31 »

I think it is right on topic. It's a fact of technology that as demand for faster and better everything that manufactures of hardware change with the time. That evolution is not in a time frame that most users grasp I think. As those hardware changes happen the software vendors have to keep up or the end users will move to other vendors.

As much as I would have loved to have kept using PixInsight running on an older 32 bit computer a few years ago it made no since for Juan to put time into that and PI support for 32 bit computers ended. That meant I had to upgrade some computers. We are only talking a few years ago but now that old computer would be struggling to stream normal HD videos over the Internet.

And think of say 10 years ago and cell phones. Would you have thought of a cell phone with 6 or 8 GB of ram and 8 core processors running 64 bit let alone the cameras and the type of screens. 10 years from now what will computing look like.

So I think upgrading old hardware is on topic when it comes to the future of PixInsight. It is a fact of the type of software that we use and we always want it to be better and faster. We need as users to always be aware we are always just one update away from needing new hardware.
