Author Topic: Batch Preprocessing script does not recognize flats  (Read 525 times)

Offline kdixon

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Batch Preprocessing script does not recognize flats
« on: 2019 January 04 08:36:57 »
Good Morning - I am new to PixInsight and have been following Warren's video tutorials on the stacking of images.  I am trying to utilize the Batch Preprocessing script.  For some reason, even though I load the individual flat frames into the respective window, when I press the diagnostics button, I get the mesage that no flats have been selected.  The script sees my bias frame and my dark frames but not the flats.  I am hopeful that someone can suggest what I am be doing incorrectly.  Thank you.  Kevin Dixon

Offline RickS

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Re: Batch Preprocessing script does not recognize flats
« Reply #1 on: 2019 January 04 17:46:32 »
BPP inspects the FITS header and looks for an IMAGETYP keyword to identify the frame type.  If that keyword is missing or set incorrectly then that would cause this problem (if so, check your capture program to look for the cause.)

You can use the "Add Custom" button to add frames and mark them as flats.  Another option would be to rename the files to make sure their name includes the string "flat" and I think BPP will also take this as a hint.
