Author Topic: BPP and Star Alignment  (Read 1480 times)

Offline Farzad_k

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BPP and Star Alignment
« on: 2018 December 27 06:52:08 »
Hello Folks.

Because my work is fairly basic I have been relying on BPP to process my data and I have always been happy with the way that it does everything that I need. Recently I noticed that stars in the integrated images appear elongated and that some seem to be poorly affected when Winzorised clipping is used. Upon further investigation I noticed that some of the data is out of alignment.

The goal of the experiment shown in the attached image was to figure out which combination of settings during a manual integration would provide the best SNR. On the right I was using data that was calibrated and aligned through BPP. On the left I calibrated and aligned outside BPP then used the Blink process and found the data sets that were out of alignment and aligned those dynamically. The screen captures were put together poorly so I have attempted to color code them so they can be better compared.

I don't see any particular settings in BPP that can be adjusted to better align images, and while I will continue using BPP I will watch its results more carefully.

« Last Edit: 2018 December 27 07:08:43 by Farzad_k »