Author Topic: Can't integrate bias frames created in TheSkyX (but frames from SGP are fine)  (Read 1975 times)

Offline airscottdenning

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I suspect this has something to do with differences in the FITS headers written by TheSkyX vs SGP.

I'm running build PI 1448 on MacOS Mojave.

I just integrated 200 bias frames collected last night with my ZWO ASI 094c (OSC 7376x4928) created by SGP under Windows 10. No problem. They read and integrate just fine and make a nice master.

Then tried to integrate 200 bias frames collected with ASI1600MM (mono 4656 x 3520) created by TheSkyX build 12034 under Windows 10. Every frame read by ImageIntegration throws an error "Zero or insignificant signal detected (empty image?) <* failed *>"

I can open the individual mono bias frame files created by TheSkyX just fine and find that there is indeed data (in fact both the mean and variance of the data are greater than for the files created by SGP).

Q1) Why can't the ImageIntegration Tool in PI build 1448 read or process these files?
Q2) Can I convert them somehow into files that can be processed by PI?

Here's a Dropbox link to a tarball:

The linked 90 MB file contains 5 SGP bias frames and 5 TSX bias frames, so that you can try to reproduce the problem. There's a README.txt files in there so you know what you're looking at. I suggest you try uncompressing the file, then attempting to build a master bias from the TSX frames using ImageIntegration in PI. Please have a look at the FITS headers.

Any help is very much appreciated!

Scott Denning
Colorado USA

Offline RickS

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Hi Scott,

Did you set "No normalization" in the "Pixel Rejection (1)" section?  That's the appropriate setting for bias files.  I can reproduce your error by enabling rejection normalization.


Offline airscottdenning

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Hi Rick,


Now I feel sheepish ... files integrate just fine. Evidently nothing to do with TSX vs SGP. Just operator error.


Offline RickS

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No problem, Scott.  It wasn't obvious from the error message what the problem was and some sort of FITS incompatibility was a plausible hypothesis.