Author Topic: Updating to latest version disables scroll wheel  (Read 1601 times)

Offline Kevin Beverage

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Updating to latest version disables scroll wheel
« on: 2018 December 23 18:31:43 »
I've searched this forum and other places on the internet to try and resolve this with no luck, so I've decided to post here.

I have been running v01.08.05.1353 for the past year with no problems.  Recently I received the update message when starting PI so I downloaded and installed the (at the time) new version  After installation I noticed that I had lost the functions associated with the scroll wheel on my mouse - zooming in and out on an image as well as moving up and down the list in the Process Explorer tab.  After installing I also got the notice for the latest version  Hoping that it might resolve the issue with my scroll wheel I downloaded and installed it, but I still did not have any zooming/scrolling functionality.

Tonight I uninstalled the latest version and reverted to; after installing I opened PI and found that the scroll wheel worked as expected.  I then tried installing each of the newer versions to verify if the issue returned and it did.  So as of now I am back at and wondering what changed in the new releases to cause the problem. Any help would be appreciated.

System details: Windows 10 v1803

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Updating to latest version disables scroll wheel
« Reply #1 on: 2018 December 24 07:39:53 »
This problem has not been reported before, and cannot be reproduced on any of our working and testing machines, on any supported platform. The mouse wheel works perfectly on all machines we have used to test PixInsight 1.8.6.

On Windows, weird problems like these can happen because of defective or outdated graphics drivers. Check that you have the latest versions of your graphics drivers installed. Intel graphics drivers are particularly problematic. Are you running PixInsight on a Surface, or on a similar tablet-like machine?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Kevin Beverage

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Re: Updating to latest version disables scroll wheel
« Reply #2 on: 2018 December 26 00:11:55 »
Juan, thanks for replying.  I checked the graphics driver and it shows that I am running the most recent driver, but it is an Intel driver with the most recent revision being Nov. 11, 2016.  I am running an ASUS laptop that can also be converted to a tablet similar to the Surface design so it may be exhibiting similar tendencies.

As long as there haven't been any major changes to the program with the newer versions I am comfortable running v1.8.5.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Updating to latest version disables scroll wheel
« Reply #3 on: 2018 December 26 03:05:39 »
Hi Kevin,

it is an Intel driver with the most recent revision being Nov. 11, 2016

This is most likely the problem. Please understand that there's nothing we can do to solve it; we are not responsible for outdated, defective graphics drivers.

As long as there haven't been any major changes to the program with the newer versions I am comfortable running v1.8.5.

Unfortunately, yes, there are significant changes in PixInsight 1.8.6, including very important stability and performance improvements and essential new features, such as astrometry integration. More importantly, we'll release new tools and new versions of existing tools in the coming months, which will only work on 1.8.6.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team