Author Topic: Blue / green background color cast problem  (Read 1769 times)

Offline bzbosko2

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Blue / green background color cast problem
« on: 2018 November 11 05:53:01 »

I'm new to astrophotography and PixInSight and so far I'm learning quite quick how to use this program. Now everything went good so far on my image but there is that weird horizontal blue / green and sometimes red background color cast over the whole image. I checked the CR2 raw image directly from my Full spectrum modded Canon 600D and the artifact is there too, so it's not an issue with DSS stacking or any of the calibration files, and it's the issue with the camera itself (the artifact is on every single image I've taken with this camera this autumn / winter.
Here is how it looks like: (i'ts a cropped preview image)

Which tool do I need to use to average out the RED, GREEN and BLUE color values in my background without effecting the midtones or highlights (maybe a mask will help with that).?

Clear skies!

Offline aworonow

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Re: Blue / green background color cast problem
« Reply #1 on: 2018 November 11 13:52:58 »
There are several tools that  might help, but  I'd start by a curves adjustment of the RGB. The objective would be to depress the left part of the curve and keep the rest of it near the 40deg trend. That would darken the background and cover the color banding.
There is also a Script for removing banding from Canon images. I've never tried it, but maybe that would help (Scipt>CanonBandingReduction).

Offline bzbosko2

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Re: Blue / green background color cast problem
« Reply #2 on: 2018 November 12 00:46:48 »
There are several tools that  might help, but  I'd start by a curves adjustment of the RGB. The objective would be to depress the left part of the curve and keep the rest of it near the 40deg trend. That would darken the background and cover the color banding.
There is also a Script for removing banding from Canon images. I've never tried it, but maybe that would help (Scipt>CanonBandingReduction).

Wow the CanonBandingReduction script completely fixed the background mess. So color banding in canon cameras is common then because there is a script for it :)
Thanks for help!ยจ ;)