Author Topic: Calibration of light frames of different exposures question.  (Read 1692 times)

Offline JamesB

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I have a number of light frames of NGC 6992, The veil nebula, taken at three different exposures. I have Flat and bias frames which, I believe can be used for the calibration of all three exposures. In addition, I have three sets of dark frames taken at each of the exposures.

My plan is to use the Batch Preprocessing script to load one set of lights, the flats, bias and the dark frames of the same exposure as the lights. I think this will yield an Integrated lights and Master Dark and Bias frames.

I would then go to the next set of exposures, use the Master Bias & Flats, previously generated, but load the appropriate set of dark frames.

I would then do the same for the last set of lights.

In total I believe that this will yied. one Master Flat, one Master Bias and Three master darks as well as three integrated lights.

Am correct in my assumptions and is there an easier way of doing it?

Finally, can I then integrate the three "Master lights" into one?

Thanks & Regards,

Offline John_Gill

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Re: Calibration of light frames of different exposures question.
« Reply #1 on: 2018 November 12 04:00:26 »

I do the following for DSLR images, but I guess for LRGB and NB you would follow a similar process.

Process each set of calibration frame separately so that you have a MasterBias, MasterFlat and MasterDark for each batch of Lights.  I would then process each batch of Light with their corresponding Master files up to and including the Debayer point.  Now add all the Debayered images from each batch and do a Star Alignment etc etc till the end.

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Offline JamesB

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Re: Calibration of light frames of different exposures question.
« Reply #2 on: 2018 November 12 11:21:13 »
Thanks for the advice, John.