I have taken an SHO image of tarantula
Have created master bias, dark, and flats for each filter.
I have calibrated SII, Ha OIII, with the bias, dark and flat masters, then used star alignment, and then integration
All goes okay. When i went to combine the 3 images in ChannelCombination I then really noticed the dust motes standing out
I then tried to do the whole process with batch preprocessing, which produced the same results
I had a look at each Master Flat of SII, Ha, and OIII and they all look pretty much the same, similar dust mote distribution/pattern.
So they don't look like Image Calibration is working properly for the flats- seems to be fine with the dark and bias, as I see the reduction in noise there.
Haven't noticed this issue previously
Can see the dust motes just , on each Master Light, but they do stand out more when combined
Any ideas about why this might be occurring?
Have added drop box links to - master flat Ha; master Light Ha, and a rough SHO with channel combination showing the dust motes