Author Topic: LocalNormalization with Parallel Processing hangs on MacOSX  (Read 1663 times)

Offline boelaars

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When ever I try the LocalNormalization process on my mac it kicks off with 10 threads and... hangs. Nothing happens and eventually I have to just kill PixInsight by using the Force Kill option. The process only works if I change the Global Preferences to disable all Parallel Processing. Then it works, but obviously only 1 image at a time, making the process veeeery long......

Mac details: MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013. 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7. 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3. macOS High Sierra 10.13.5.

PixInsight (Installed from PI-macosx-x64- is up to date with all latest patches. Generally the files I'm processing will be NEF files from a Nikon D850 and will by this stage be XISF + XDRZ files that have already gone through the ImageCalibration, CosmeticCorrection, Debayer, and StarAlign processes.

Any idea what I can do to troubleshoot this and get LocalNormalization to work properly using multiple threads?

Offline andreasmax

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Re: LocalNormalization with Parallel Processing hangs on MacOSX
« Reply #1 on: 2018 October 10 08:26:57 »
no problem here with imac 5k 2015, 4Ghz, 32GB RAM and OSX 10.11.

may take some time for finishing. meanwhile it seems to be stuck.
how many frames do you process? how long did you wait?