When ever I try the LocalNormalization process on my mac it kicks off with 10 threads and... hangs. Nothing happens and eventually I have to just kill PixInsight by using the Force Kill option. The process only works if I change the Global Preferences to disable all Parallel Processing. Then it works, but obviously only 1 image at a time, making the process veeeery long......
Mac details: MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013. 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7. 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3. macOS High Sierra 10.13.5.
PixInsight (Installed from PI-macosx-x64- is up to date with all latest patches. Generally the files I'm processing will be NEF files from a Nikon D850 and will by this stage be XISF + XDRZ files that have already gone through the ImageCalibration, CosmeticCorrection, Debayer, and StarAlign processes.
Any idea what I can do to troubleshoot this and get LocalNormalization to work properly using multiple threads?