Author Topic: Flipping viewed images  (Read 2018 times)

Offline jegsav

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Flipping viewed images
« on: 2018 August 31 00:53:26 »
I can't find switches to flip views of images vertically and horizontally in PI. Do they exist and if so where?
As established in another topic, there are two conventions for Fits files and they involve a vertical flip to make one appear like the other. Among the astronomical software that I use, exactly half wake up with one convention and half with the other. All the other software I use - astronomical and non-astronomical - has "flip image" facilities so that images can be viewed as the user wishes. If this facility really doesn't exist in PI, it is a glaring omission which needs to be fixed urgently.

Offline sharkmelley

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Re: Flipping viewed images
« Reply #1 on: 2018 August 31 04:11:32 »
There are a number of possibilities depending on exactly what you are trying to achieve.

Have you tried from the menu:
Image->Geometry->Horizontal Mirror
Image->Geometry->Vertical Mirror

Have you also tried the process FastRotation which has Horizontal Mirror and Vertical Mirror options?

If you are using the Batch Preprocessing script there is also Up-bottom FITS option available

There is also a related option, the Coordinate origin, in "Edit Preferences" of the Format Explorer for FITS

« Last Edit: 2018 August 31 05:16:59 by sharkmelley »
Takahashi Epsilon 180ED
H-alpha modified Sony A7S

Offline jegsav

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Re: Flipping viewed images
« Reply #2 on: 2018 September 24 02:43:36 »
Thanks for the helpful information. Fair enough, but why doe PI use "mirror" when everyone else uses "flip"- and why, if I have a "horizontal mirror" - does the image  actually flip left to right? Try a horizontal mirror on a desk and in the real world the image is actually flipped top to bottom. Also, yes, good to have this in "IMAGE", a processing menu, but this has the potential for altering (if I am not careful to cancel save) my original images when all I want to do is view (e.g. "BLINK" which I use all the time) them in the orientation of my choice. We really need the facility in the entirely volatile "VIEW" menu. I find this way of handling "flip" surprising given the PI philosophy on other "VIEW" options, particularly "STF" (but also e.g. "Zoom") should NOT alter the original image unless expressly commanded.
I try to like PixInsight, but it's hard given the insistence of doing things in a non-intuitive way, using non-standard terminology and with (STILL) very incomplete documentation.   

Offline sharkmelley

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Re: Flipping viewed images
« Reply #3 on: 2018 September 24 11:18:20 »
You seem to be making this very difficult  ;)

Horizontal mirroring means that the mirroring (i.e. flipping) happens horizontally i.e. left to right
Vertical mirroring means the mirroring happens vertically i.e. top to bottom

Takahashi Epsilon 180ED
H-alpha modified Sony A7S