Hi Dean,
My first thought was, "Surely, if a user has already elected to resort to PixelMath to resolve a problem, then the user might just as well perform the rescaling within their calculation, and hence under their full control, rather than handing that requirement to a limited option to be applied post-process".
So, is it really a question of whether the rescaling should be 'simple but probably inflexible' versus 'complex and fully flexible' (the latter requiring more effort on the part of the user)?
Or, could both options be made available?
I am perfectly happy with the status quo - I have found very little that PixelMath couldn't achieve, and where I did run into its limitations, I still had the options of applying multiple, sequential, PixelMath Processes to achieve what I wanted, or to even turn to a full-blown scripted approach.
That said, I am sure that your idea could be taken into consideration for future upgrades.