Author Topic: Size difference....  (Read 1760 times)

Offline krphotogs

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Size difference....
« on: 2018 September 08 10:49:24 »
I am pretty much a newbie - but after the last few weeks am light years ahead of where I started with PI - but still on the outside looking in...

I am running v 1.8 on a windows machine and an iMac. When I create a master bias on my Windows machine, it creates a master file that is 5599 x 3728. When I create it on my iMac I get one that is 5600 x 3728. Now, I used my windows machine to make some library files (dark's and bias) but I do all my image processing on my iMac.

I have been getting an error that says "incompatible image geometry' which I assume is because of the pixel size difference.

First question is why is that happening? Second question... any fix short of redoing the masters on my iMac?


Offline krphotogs

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Re: Size difference....
« Reply #1 on: 2018 September 08 11:30:09 »
Ok - just to add some more data.... I tried creating a bias master on my macbook and the size is the same as the Windows machine. When I check the Format Explorer, on my iMac there is no 'DSLR-RAW' (both windows and macbook) only a 'RAW'. I de-installed on my iMac and re-installed, no difference.


Offline msmythers

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Re: Size difference....
« Reply #2 on: 2018 September 08 12:46:18 »

Incompatible geometry can be the number of channels. If one image is gray scale it has one channel and another is RGB it would have 3 channels and you use a tool that is expecting like number of channels you will get that error.


Offline krphotogs

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Re: Size difference....
« Reply #3 on: 2018 September 08 14:23:24 »
Thanks Mike. The problem I had was a difference between the DSLR_RAW and RAW import.

It seems the RAW module created an image that was 1 pixel wider, and that was causing the error I had. I ended up deleting PI from my OS X machines and re-installing PI. When I did a check for updates, both machines (iMac and MB) had the DSLR_RAW module. When I did an ImageIntegration on the same files (previously done with RAW) with the DSLR_RAW module it worked; I then tried with previous created FITS file with the RAW module - it failed.

Thanks for the reply!

Offline msmythers

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Re: Size difference....
« Reply #4 on: 2018 September 08 14:57:21 »

That's totally possible since the Raw and DSLR_Raw are 2 different module for opening OSC/DSLR formats. The Raw module though has to be installed/updated by the user. If I'm not mistaken it is not part of the normal update process as of right now.

If you were having problems with a particular camera and installed the Raw module to correct the problem then going back to the DSLR_Raw module will cause the problem to show again. The answer to that would be to install the Raw module on all your PI installations. That is purely a personal decision for now. I would guess(purely speculation) in the next major update the DSLR_Raw module will be completely depreciated and removed in favor of the new Raw module. I don't remember seeing anyone having major issues with the Raw module as compared to many having issues with the old DSLR_Raw module.


Offline krphotogs

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Re: Size difference....
« Reply #5 on: 2018 September 08 17:30:47 »
That makes a lot of sense, I did go through and made sure it was on all 3 machines I use. I had trouble on my iMac - when I checked for installed processes, it said it was, but it was not showing up. So, I just deleted and re-added PI.

Thanks again for your help!
