Author Topic: AppData Issues ?  (Read 872 times)

Offline roncrouch

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AppData Issues ?
« on: 2018 September 23 13:32:44 »
I have for some time had significant issues which I think result from interplay of PI and Windows 10 AppData. On a very consistent basis I can run a PI session and suddenly an operation fails with an "cannot write text string" message.  This can often happen while doing simple things like loading flats for batchpreprocess script after making a process icon for cosmetic correction.  Why would a directory be usable then not usable then usable again?

This never happened until W10 updates about 2 months back. Once the issue happens no recovery short of reinstalling PI!  If I uninstall PI I see left-behind items cluttered all over Appdata\Local\Pixinsight (update files) and sometimes a stale Appdata\local\Temp PI folder as well.

The only sure fix if completely remove PI - reinstall then let it update again.
Sometimes running the installer "repair installation" is enough but updates must be done again then as well.
Does anyone know of a way to configure PI these days so a Windows 10 installation will remain stable? Any advice appreciated.

I suspect Appdata folder issues but really have no clue how to approach the problem.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or guidance.


Offline roncrouch

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Re: AppData Issues ?
« Reply #1 on: 2018 September 25 09:13:31 »
So far ideas from anyone. Here is a typical event:
On click of an action button in in this case SubframeSelector error at line 538 in SubframeSelectorParameters.js.
Error: Error writing settings data (int).

The same thing could happen from ANY script such as BatchPreprocessor so the issue is outside of those scripts.
The problem occurs randomly in current updated W10 build of PI.

Please once again any help appreciated.

Offline dld

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Re: AppData Issues ?
« Reply #2 on: 2018 September 25 09:31:13 »
Hello Ron,

What if you set a different swap directory, like for example C:/PixInsight/Temp (instead of the default C:/Users/<user>/AppData/Local/Temp)?