Author Topic: Difficulty using Photometric Color Calibration  (Read 2014 times)

Offline lumenmikie

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Difficulty using Photometric Color Calibration
« on: 2018 August 15 18:28:17 »
I've had mixed success with PCC. When I can get it to run to completion, I've been very pleased with the results. Other times it will fail and I can't figure out what the issue is.
I've been working on a wide field image taken during the recent Perseids meteor shower and I haven't been able to get PCC to run to completion. I've done the image solution separately using Image Solver so I can isolate those problems from the PCC issues.

A Dropbox link to the xisf file is here:

I'd greatly appreciate any assistance or suggestions folks might have to resolve this problem.


Mike Hayford

Console window output is:
PhotometricColorCalibration: Processing view: IMG_9399_d
Writing swap files...
728.263 MiB/s

** Warning: Forcing a photometric aperture of 5 pixels.

* Using an automatically calculated limit magnitude of 9.

run -x -p="phot_apertureShape,1" -p="phot_minimumAperture,5" -p="phot_apertureSteps,1" -p="phot_apertureStepSize,1" -p="phot_bkgWindowMode,1" -p="phot_bkgModel,1" -p="phot_backgroundSigmaLow,5" -p="phot_backgroundSigmaHigh,2.7" -p="phot_bkgAperture1,45" -p="phot_bkgAperture2,60" -p="phot_bkgMMTlayers,8" -p="phot_minSNR,4" -p="phot_showFoundStars,false" -p="phot_maxMagnitude,9" -p="phot_defaultFocal,10.44" -p="phot_gain,1" -p="phot_saturationThreshold,0.95" -p="phot_manualFilter,true" -p="phot_filter,Johnson V" -p="phot_filterKeyword,FILTER" -p="phot_margin,15" -p="phot_catalogName,APASS" -p="phot_catalogFilter,Vmag" -p="phot_vizierServer," -p="phot_useActive,false" -p="phot_extractMode,0" -p="phot_manualObjects,[]" -p="phot_outputDir,/var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T" -p="phot_outputPrefix,PCC_" -p="phot_generateFileTable,true" -p="phot_generateFluxTable,true" -p="phot_generatePSFFluxTable,true" -p="phot_generateBackgTable,false" -p="phot_generateSNRTable,false" -p="phot_generateFlagTable,false" -p="phot_saveDiagnostic,false" -p="phot_autoSolve,false" -p="phot_forceSolve,false" -p="phot_solverUseImageMetadata,false" -p="phot_saveSolve,false" -p="phot_solveSuffix,_WCS" -p="phot_generateErrorLog,false" -p="phot_showBackgroundModel,false" -p="phot_files,/var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_R_UQ1QGBMOD0U6.xisf|/var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_G_D30HYU658XJY.xisf|/var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_B_6UVD1PFDWEN9.xisf" -p="non_interactive,true" -p="isGlobalTarget,true" -p="isViewTarget,false" "/Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/AdP/AperturePhotometry.js"

Processing script file: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/AdP/AperturePhotometry.js

Processing image /var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_R_UQ1QGBMOD0U6.xisf

Reading image:
Loading image: w=6024 h=4022 n=1 Gray UInt16
9 image properties
44 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Reference image: PCC_R_UQ1QGBMOD0U6

Downloading Vizier data: 20.794306&-c.r=180.000000&-c.u=deg&-out.form=|&-out.add=_RAJ,_DEJ&-out=B-V&-out=Vmag&-out=Bmag&-out=g'mag&-out=r'mag&-out=i'mag&Vmag=0..9
1783 bytes transferred in 120.84 s @ 0.01 KiB/s
Removed 0 duplicated objects
fov:180.000000 actual:0.000000
Catalog APASS size: 0 objects inside the image

*** Error: Failure to process image file '/var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_R_UQ1QGBMOD0U6.xisf': Could not find any stars in the catalog

Processing image /var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_G_D30HYU658XJY.xisf

Reading image:
Loading image: w=6024 h=4022 n=1 Gray UInt16
9 image properties
44 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Reference image: PCC_G_D30HYU658XJY
Star search aperture: 2.00 pixels
1 view(s)
0 star(s)
0 PSF fittings
*** Error: Failure to process image file '/var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_G_D30HYU658XJY.xisf': Could not locate any stars in the image

Processing image /var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_B_6UVD1PFDWEN9.xisf

Reading image:
Loading image: w=6024 h=4022 n=1 Gray UInt16
9 image properties
44 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Reference image: PCC_B_6UVD1PFDWEN9
Calculating image noise: sigma=53.466 count=54.98% layers=4
Multiscale median transform: done
Multiscale reconstruction: done
Normalizing sample values: done
Aperture Photometry:
  Aperture: 5.000000 px
  Image resolution: 74.096417 sec/px
Calculating photometry: Processed 0 stars in 0.000000 seconds
Writing output file: /var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_B_6UVD1PFDWEN9.csv
*** Error: Failure to process image file '/var/folders/l9/xpbx7gmx4s15532yb240gdm00000gn/T/PCC_B_6UVD1PFDWEN9.xisf': TypeError: area is null

Photometry process finished:
   0 of 3 images processed successfully.
   3 images with errors.
   3 errors and warnings.

*** Error: Failure to calculate photometry: IMG_9399_d
Reading swap files...
676.233 MiB/s
<* failed *>

Offline Andres.Pozo

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Re: Difficulty using Photometric Color Calibration
« Reply #1 on: 2018 August 16 00:44:12 »
The error "Could not find any stars in the catalog" most probably is because sometimes the catalog servers fail without any warnings. You can try to use another catalog server.

This has already been reported:

Offline lumenmikie

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Re: Difficulty using Photometric Color Calibration
« Reply #2 on: 2018 August 16 09:39:57 »
Thank you, Andres, that seemed to do the trick.
Best Regards