Author Topic: Deconvolution  (Read 2182 times)

Offline ahughes

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« on: 2018 August 01 06:25:27 »
Hi, I'm a newbie trying to make my way through PixInsight. Images produced on a DSLR.
In the deconvolution process I extract the luminosity and work on this, however when I have completed the task how to I recombine the Luminosity with the RGB, if this is what you are supposed to do?
Also when I use PSF all my stars are gaussion and my understanding is that they should be moffat, is this a problem with the quality of my photographs.
I assume I am doing something wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.

Offline RickS

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Re: Deconvolution
« Reply #1 on: 2018 August 02 17:31:49 »
You can use ChannelExtraction in one of the CIE modes, let's assume CIE L*a*b*, to extract lightness (L*).  After running decon on the L* you can use ChannelCombination to "push" it back into the image: select the modified L* image and untick the a* and b* boxes then drag the new instance icon (little triangle) and drop it on the original colour image.

If the auto mode is deciding that Gaussian is a better fit for your stars then that's OK.


Offline ahughes

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Re: Deconvolution
« Reply #2 on: 2018 August 04 07:18:36 »
Thanks Rick I found that easy to follow.
However I have one follow up question, re PSF can you use the process with a mixture of Gaussian and Moffat or must it be one or the other.