I think an i7 computer with 8-16gb RAM would be great. The more RAM the better, so 32gb is even better. For the main disk drive, I would get at least 1TB because these astro images tend consume a lot of disk space. To really boost performance you could add a second drive as a solid state drive (SSD) and use it as a swap area for PixInsight.
I also use a couple of USB3 portable drives to backup my images. As a side note, after I have processed my Bias, Flats and Darks and created Masters, I then delete them and after processing the main image I delete the "Calibrated, CosmeticCorrected, Debayered and Registered images. This saves a ton of space.
I currently use an i5 computer with 16gb RAM which works fairly well. The delay in-between processes gives me time to contemplate the next process or to have a sip of whisky
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