Author Topic: Different Behaviour on HDTMT in preview and Image  (Read 1736 times)

Offline astroedo

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Different Behaviour on HDTMT in preview and Image
« on: 2018 May 16 13:50:27 »
Hi all,

I'm processing an image of the M106 region.
It is a 2490x1882 image, a Halpha - RGB composition, taken by me (16 hours of Halpha) and a friend (3 hours of RGB with an OSC).

As a part of my processing workflow, I'was using HDRMultiscaleTransform to popup the details on the very center of M106 and, as usual, I've tried  the settings on a small preview around M106.

When found the best setting, I've applied the Process to the whole image but, with my great surprise, the result was VERY different from that on the preview, as you can easily see on the attached images.

The Image was non linear (HT + MS + Curves)
HDRMT setting was

6 Layers, 1 iteration, Median Transform active, Preserve Hue Active, Lightness Mask Active.
An additional, very blurred, Lightness mask was applied.

Even stranger, if I perform the very same operation, on the RGB image only, HDRMT performs as expected with no differences between preview and Image.


By the way, this is the final image
« Last Edit: 2018 May 16 14:10:42 by astroedo »