I have a question re combining L, R, G, and B. For me, it's complicated by the common practice of binning.
Suppose I have 100, 1x1 binned L files, and 100 each of R, G, and B each binned 2x2. Common enough. When is the best time in the operations sequence to convert the 2x2 to 1x1 and what's the better way to do this, considering the number of files?
I assume I need to convert 2x2 to 1x1 first, then preprocess the R, G, and B sets one set at a time, then combine them in PixInsight. Is this correct? I have tutorials on combining R G and B. I don't know the best sequence of operations, or best conversion of this many files at once. "Resample" is one-by-one and quite slow.
Thank you very much!