Author Topic: Insufficient data storage capabilities: TIFF  (Read 2463 times)

Offline alanrock

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Insufficient data storage capabilities: TIFF
« on: 2018 April 12 11:27:39 »
I'm relatively new to PI, let's just get that out there up front!
I've been working on an image, and I finally have it looking presentable, but when I try to save it as a TIFF file, I get the above message and when I open the file in PS, it looks like crap. I am choosing the 16 bit unsigned option when I save it. I'm on a Mac, and using the latest versions of everything. Any ideas?

Offline RickS

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Re: Insufficient data storage capabilities: TIFF
« Reply #1 on: 2018 April 12 14:05:53 »
What sort of crap does it look like?  Messed up colours (maybe a colour management issue) or too dark (only screen stretched?) or something else?


Offline alanrock

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Re: Insufficient data storage capabilities: TIFF
« Reply #2 on: 2018 April 12 16:13:47 »
Ok, so there's a slight chance I was comparing a screen stretched image to one that wasn't.  ::)
Having said that, does the error mean anything?

Offline msmythers

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Re: Insufficient data storage capabilities: TIFF
« Reply #3 on: 2018 April 12 18:01:11 »

I cannot speak as an authority on the warning but I believe this is what it means. 

The warning,
** Warning: Insufficient data storage capabilities: TIFF
, not to be confused with an error is because the TIFF format cannot save FITS and now XIFS keywords. These keywords are present once you start processing a PI integrated image. If you save a processed image as a jpg you will get that message along with ** Warning: Insufficient numerical accuracy: JPEG. 

The wording of the warning has changed over the years but here is the earliest mention I can find. 

From Juan in 2007
This is not a bug. It is the strict file save mode that PixInsight uses by default. You probably have seen a warning message on "missing format capabilities" upon saving the TIFF file. In this case, the reason is probably that the TIFF format cannot save FITS header keywords.

Again these are just warnings to alert you are not saving a file in a format that will maintain all information.

One more bit of information. If you open a 16-bit tiff and use something like curves on the image, you can save that image and not get the error. No keywords were generated during that processing.


Offline alanrock

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Re: Insufficient data storage capabilities: TIFF
« Reply #4 on: 2018 April 12 18:57:54 »