Hi, I'm having an issue with something that seemed pretty simple to me.
On our 4 scope array (4 matching 300mm telescopes), we have the following cameras:
Array 1 - FLI 29052
Array 2 - FLI 16803
Array 3 - FLI 16803
Array 4 - FLI 29052
All have Optec Gemini rotating focusers. In order to minimize loss of edges due to rotation mismatch, I thought we could measure the rotation required in PixInsight's StarAlignment process based on aligning an image from each of Arrays 2, 3 and 4 to an image from Array 1, and then rotate the focuser on each of Array 2, 3 and 4 the same value to counter the misalignment of the cameras. After doing this, I find that Array 4 is rotationally matched to Array 1. However when I counter the rotational values for Arrays 2 and 3, and take another series of test shots, Arrays 2 and 3 are not aligned with Array 1. In fact I see no correlation between the before and after rotation values reported by the StarAlignment process (i.e. I'm not missing a + or - sign in my offset value).
Is this because the sensor sizes and dimensions are different between the 29052 and 16803? Am I misinterpreting the rotation value reported by PixInsight when star aligning? Obviously something is wrong with my logic, I'm uncertain as to what it is.
If anyone has an idea of how to determine the correct rotational offset between Array 2 (or 3) and Array 1, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Not sure if this info is necessary, but:
FLI PL16803 - 4096x4096 px - 36.9x36.9mm sensor - 9µ pixel size
FLI PL29052 - 6576x4384 px - 36.1x24.1mm sensor - 5.5µ pixel size