Author Topic: LRGB Images with Atik Horizon Mono Camera  (Read 1760 times)

Offline dpaul

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LRGB Images with Atik Horizon Mono Camera
« on: 2018 February 13 18:21:16 »
Just wanted to share my attached results of a ''single night of imaging''.

The camera is Atik Horizon Mono (CMOS) and LRGB filter set.
Images are M51, NGC 4565, M13, M100, M99, NGC 2903
Except for M13, all objects were imaged with approximately 20 frames for each filter, 12secs to 15 secs each
M13 only needed 6 second frames
All were 2x2 binning on a high gain setting

The scope is Starstructure Horizon, with amazing 30'' F3.5 optics by Mike Lockwood.
Scope is mounted on Equatorial Platform (by Tom Osypowski), without guiding
Baader 2 element coma corrector (now going to try 4 eleemnt - I have the Paracorr type II).

All processing done in Pixinsight (but still a novice):
0.001 sec bias frames
Dark frames exact match to the light frames
Frames calibrated without subtracting bias from the Master dark
No flats were taken
Stars reduced with MT/star mask
Deconvolution with background sky masked out
TVG de-noise
Each master R, G and B were then combined using Chanel combination, then color corrected using Photometric Color Calibration (worked 4 out of 6 times)
Lum then added using LRGB combination (dragging a new instance from the Lum onto the RGB)
Final stretching, curve adjustment (including saturation level to get stronger color), etc.

Each object is about 1-2 hours work after some practice.

Interestingly, the pixel size is only 3.8 so with a 2667mm focal length so I'm seriously over-sampling, even with 2x2 binning. However the results are not too bad (for me) and hopefully this encourages other novice CMOS users and newcomers to Pixinsight that you can get quite good results.  Also with a big scope you get a ''lot done in one session''.

I'm having fun!

As an example of what's possible, I recently too an image of Hickson 50 and some of the galaxies were Magnitude 20-21 (I couldn't see them visually - my limit is about mag 17).


David (UK)

Offline RickS

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Re: LRGB Images with Atik Horizon Mono Camera
« Reply #1 on: 2018 February 14 01:33:19 »
Very cool, David!

Offline dpaul

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Re: LRGB Images with Atik Horizon Mono Camera
« Reply #2 on: 2018 February 14 01:44:21 »
Thanks Rick,

Until now I've hesitated to post images on this amazing forum because the quality is so good from others - my results are mostly down to advice from the forum.



Offline ChoJin

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Re: LRGB Images with Atik Horizon Mono Camera
« Reply #3 on: 2018 February 14 02:00:13 »
they look quite nice indeed :)

(do you have a photo of that giant telescope?  O:) )

Offline dpaul

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Re: LRGB Images with Atik Horizon Mono Camera
« Reply #4 on: 2018 February 14 13:16:59 »
Hi Cho

Please see attached pictures of the 30'' scope, the RH view in on the equatorial platform.

