Author Topic: Officina Stellare Veloce  (Read 2557 times)

Offline Jules

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Officina Stellare Veloce
« on: 2018 January 18 17:40:14 »
Hi chaps

I have not astro-imaged for a couple of years now. i even went as far as selling all my kit. One of the reasons I stopped was imaging for imaging sake. I had a remote setup that did not really feel like astronomy although I was collecting hours of subs.

Although not physically partaking I have kept my foot in the door looking at equipment. I have been very tempted by the Officina Stellare Veloce. Are there any users out there who could give some feed back?

I have been using PI to process some of my terestial images.



Offline macnmotion

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Re: Officina Stellare Veloce
« Reply #1 on: 2018 January 20 08:51:58 »
Hi. We have several OS scopes, including a 4 scope array of Veloce 300 scopes reduced to f2.4. Last season we were shooting with just one RH 300 and we were very pleased with the results. We're about to get underway with all 4 scopes at once so I can't quite report on that setup.

Feel free to browse our RH 300 shots on our site, Feel free to ask any specific questions about the OS scopes.

Offline Jules

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Re: Officina Stellare Veloce
« Reply #2 on: 2018 January 20 13:47:06 »
Wow, thats an impressive set up. Can you undertake any interferometric imaging with those four OTAs.

I like the idea of a Veloce because its f3. What is there after sales customer service like?



Offline macnmotion

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Re: Officina Stellare Veloce
« Reply #3 on: 2018 January 20 17:31:11 »
Interferometry wasn't our goal, and I'm not sure that the tiny distance between our scopes would be suitable. We put the array together for a simple reason -- here in Thailand we have a very short imaging season followed by a very long rainy season. Having multiple scopes pointing at the same object multiplies our productivity, turning one night into four. Our intent is to be shooting multiple filters on a single object. Last night we successfully autofocused all four array scopes in parallel using custom software being built to control our array. Within a week we hope to be shooting our first sequence with all four in parallel.

We obviously maintain a good relationship with OS. Because we are located in a country with no type of astronomy technical support we sometimes rely heavily on the timely input from our vendors to address issues. OS has always been responsive and is a very good partner of ours. The speeds of these telescopes can present challenges that you may not have dealt with before so be sure to account for those (e.g. critical focus becomes more difficult at higher speeds). The contrast of all of our OS scopes is just amazing, especially considering our very light polluted skies.