Author Topic: Violet Halo in Core of M31  (Read 1958 times)

Offline rodmichael

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Violet Halo in Core of M31
« on: 2018 January 19 14:00:16 »
I have been learning to use PixInsight while working on my September data for M31. This is about my 6th attempt at processing. I think It may be my best so far for this object.

However, during linear processing (channel combination, Background Neutralization, and Color Calibration) a violet/red halo emerged in the core of M31. The halo's color only intensified with Histogram Stretch and Curves Transformation-S.

I have looked on line for images with a similar appearance but can only find a few with the vaguest hint of something similar in color. Does anyone have an idea of what happened in my image? Is there a way to process it away?

ASTROGRAPH: Celestron RASA, 11" f=2.22
MOUNT:  SB Paramount MX+
FILTERS: Astrodon SHO 5nm and Gen2 LRGB
GUIDING: The SkyX TPoint Supermodel and ProTrack
SOFTWARE:  SkyX Pro, PixInsight

Offline pfile

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #1 on: 2018 January 19 15:24:41 »
can you post the unprocessed, linear stack?

Offline rodmichael

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #2 on: 2018 January 20 09:27:16 »
I would be glad to. Please tell me how. On this forum or on an another site like Astrobin?
ASTROGRAPH: Celestron RASA, 11" f=2.22
MOUNT:  SB Paramount MX+
FILTERS: Astrodon SHO 5nm and Gen2 LRGB
GUIDING: The SkyX TPoint Supermodel and ProTrack
SOFTWARE:  SkyX Pro, PixInsight

Offline pfile

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #3 on: 2018 January 20 10:52:00 »
maybe google drive or dropbox... then post the link here.

i don't think astrobin can handle xisf/fits files unless you pay for the raw file storage, but can't remember offhand.


Offline rodmichael

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #4 on: 2018 January 20 17:10:53 »
I have created a folder in DropBox that I think you can access. URL

The stacked subframes were all calibrated with a SuperBias image, a Master Dark, and Master Flats. They are all cosmetically corrected, locally normalized, registered, and integrated with PI 1.8.5.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help.
ASTROGRAPH: Celestron RASA, 11" f=2.22
MOUNT:  SB Paramount MX+
FILTERS: Astrodon SHO 5nm and Gen2 LRGB
GUIDING: The SkyX TPoint Supermodel and ProTrack
SOFTWARE:  SkyX Pro, PixInsight

Offline pfile

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #5 on: 2018 January 20 23:04:08 »
i think this might be a LocalNormalization artifact given the halos in the green channel. basically the green channel is "dim" in the core of the galaxy which is giving the magenta cast.

also the G and B channels seem to have some kind of flattening artifact or reflection - there are concentric bands in G and B.

just for fun can you turn off LocalNormalization in ImageIntegration and see if there is a difference?


Offline rodmichael

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #6 on: 2018 January 21 17:40:56 »
I have tried restacking without local normalization, and, indeed, the violet coloration has mostly resolved. Although, the unstretched RGB-DBE masters have a lot of green and violet coloration throughout before stretching. More problematic, the images are much less dense and are much more tenuous when stretched (more tenuous than the image above).

Perhaps part of the issue is that I do not have enough data and need more exposure time. At this point each master is constituted of a total of 60 minutes (12 x 300s) exposure at f2.22.

I appreciate your time and effort to help me resolve this issue.
ASTROGRAPH: Celestron RASA, 11" f=2.22
MOUNT:  SB Paramount MX+
FILTERS: Astrodon SHO 5nm and Gen2 LRGB
GUIDING: The SkyX TPoint Supermodel and ProTrack
SOFTWARE:  SkyX Pro, PixInsight

Offline pfile

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #7 on: 2018 January 21 19:02:00 »
well, you can try with LN again, but the trick is twofold - one is to make sure you are using your absolute best subexposure for the reference, meaning the most gradient-free sub, also taking care that it looks like it was flattened properly. if necessary you can do DBE to that reference sub but you have to be very careful - under LN all the subs will take on the character of the reference and so any artifacts you introduce into the reference will manifest in the other subs.

the other trick is to let the LN tool create a normalized frame that you can inspect. if there are artifacts you can try adjusting the scale parameter. i think RickS had mentioned in another thread that larger scales (like 256) were working well for him, but this could be OTA/Sensor dependent. i noticed in one of your images there were large-scale dark artifacts around some of the stars, which looked to me like LN artifacts (which is why i suggested trying with it turned off...)

note also that the first frame in the list of files in ImageIntegration is the reference frame for the standard normalization algorithms, so it probably pays to have the highest quality sub first in the list when not using LN.


Offline MikeOates

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #8 on: 2018 January 22 04:17:52 »
They are all cosmetically corrected, locally normalized, registered, and integrated with PI 1.8.5.

Did you do those processes in that order? if you did, try again and put LN after registration and before integration.


Offline pfile

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #9 on: 2018 January 22 08:52:24 »
very good point Mike - i missed that!


Offline rodmichael

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Re: Violet Halo in Core of M31
« Reply #10 on: 2018 January 22 19:13:16 »
Thanks for all the intellectual effort. Sorry to say that the order in which I calibrated and stacked is below (with LN after Registration). I misstated the order above.
- Calibration with SuperBias, Master Dark and Master Flat for each filter
- Cosmetic Correction
- Subframe selection with PI Script
- Selection of best subframe for reference in Star Alignment (priority on weight, FWHM, and Eccentricity in that order)
- Star Alignment with generation of drizzle data
- Local Normalization of registered subframes
- Image Integration
- Linear Fit
- Channel Combination
- Background Neutralization
- Color Calibration
- Multiscale Linear Transformation
- Histogram Transformation
- HDRMultiscale Transform
- Curves Transformation for Saturation
ASTROGRAPH: Celestron RASA, 11" f=2.22
MOUNT:  SB Paramount MX+
FILTERS: Astrodon SHO 5nm and Gen2 LRGB
GUIDING: The SkyX TPoint Supermodel and ProTrack
SOFTWARE:  SkyX Pro, PixInsight