Author Topic: Linux library problem (minor - and I have a easy workaround)  (Read 3080 times)

Offline Cheyenne

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Running on a gentoo linux distribution at a current level.

One of the supplied libraries (libkrb5support) in PixInsignt/bin/lib calls out the library libselinux  which may not be installed on all systems as selinux is used for a hardened environments.

Anyway... I was quickly able to work around the problem by simply not pointing LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the bin/lib directory and let PixInsight use the system libraries.  While this might cause an issue down the line in terms of library compatibility, PixInsight does seem to be working just fine.

I implemented my workaround by simply modifying the supplied script and altering the assignment to LD_LIBRARY_PATH to:


As I said in the subject line, this was (is?) a minor issue.  I have a work around, but felt that listing the problem might help someone else if they run into the same problem.

Cheyenne Wills
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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Linux library problem (minor - and I have a easy workaround)
« Reply #1 on: 2009 June 11 14:48:58 »
Hi Cheyenne,

Welcome to PixInsight Forum!

Thanks for pointing this out. If PI runs, there will be no problem with libraries loaded from your system instead of bin/lib. In fact, bin/lib is provided mainly to work around some compatibility problems with old distributions.

The selinux dependency is unwanted; PI shouldn't depend on it. I'll try to replace libkrb5 with a version that doesn't depend on selinux.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team