Author Topic: PI TIFFs opened in Adobe programs are horribly over-exposed (Windows 10)  (Read 516 times)

Offline dswtan

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How can I get TIFF export from PI to behave well with Adobe?

When I save my PI-processed images as TIFF and I try to open them in Adobe programs like Lightroom, PS, Bridge, etc., they show as horribly overexposed in the Adobe program. But if I save from PI as PNG, it comes out fine (i.e., exactly as I see in PI). Also if I open the same TIFFs in non-Adobe programs like IrfanView, it also shows fine. I'm on Windows 10.

My TIFF saving settings are:

Offline johnpane

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Use 16-bit unsigned integer. Zip compression is okay but not LZW.

Offline dswtan

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That's it! Thanks John! :)

Offline Warhen

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As further info, PS doesn't handle 32-bit files well. If I recall correctly, if they're opened in PS's HDR Toning, you can bring the range in-line with what PS can handle better. Best to do as John says- save as 16-bit!   
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller