I have a full-frame CCD array that produces 71.6 MB sub frames. Often I am only interested in a small part of the entire frame, say the central area, that may be as small as 1/10 the area of the entire frame. It seems a waste of time and computing resources to process full frames for calibration and integration, when in the end I'll be cropping away, perhaps, 90% of the data. Besides, for quality indicators and cosmetic fixes, I'm only interested in properties of pixels in the smaller area, not the entire frame.
It would be nice to be able to define an arbitrary, smaller area of my full frame up front, before calibration and integration, and then calibrate and integrate only that smaller area henceforth in all the subframes, using exactly the same pixels from the full-sized master bias, dark, and flat frames.
Any chance of getting such a pre-cropping ability into PixInsight, so I won't have to pre-crop all my subframes and calibration frames externally, say in Maxim DL?