Author Topic: FWHM Matching star shrink and deconvolution  (Read 1643 times)

Offline blueridgeDSIA

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FWHM Matching star shrink and deconvolution
« on: 2017 November 28 11:07:56 »
I had an idea last night that may be plausible by someone capable of writing scripts for pi, and maybe this already exists but I am too novice to realize it. 
When you image for multiple nights your FWHM can change and your image as a result softens or gets much sharper and cleaner. 

If there was a tool that allowed you to compare and analyze images from different nights and apply a star shrink and deconvolution in an effort to match data by its fwhm from other nights where the same target is imaged, lets say these images are fully calibrated stacked light frames, you could then create a mosaic from this data with very similar star shape/size profiles and dso clarity.

 Now into murky water, if you could batch apply this fwhm based shrink and convolution matching to calibrated light frames with poor fwhm and integrate them with calibrated data which had optimal fwhm, this might offer better stacking results.  I am not sure if this could be designed to keep the data linear or not which is why I think it is murky waters.  None the less I think it would be great to take my 2.3 FWHM data on say Andromeda and combine it with 1.3 FWHM data from the year before and have two sets of subs which could integrate a much deeper image statistically without sacrificing as much star quality.  I assume that the larger data set of the two nights and registration frame selected would have some sort of effect of how the final integration would accept or reject the tighter stars which is why i began to ponder the possibility of such a tool.  Anyways, thanks for listening to the idea, I hope I don't sound like a crazy person.   

Offline dld

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Re: FWHM Matching star shrink and deconvolution
« Reply #1 on: 2017 November 28 12:19:20 »
Actually this is a great idea. Another possible use of such FWHM matching is to match the FWHM between the channels of an RGB image to correct for slight focusing errors or imperfect optics (aka poor man's apochromat :P). I have tried to do that manually with no satisfying results :(