Author Topic: NGC 891 - Canon EOS 350D  (Read 8400 times)

Offline Luc Coiffier

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NGC 891 - Canon EOS 350D
« on: 2006 September 30 15:44:57 »
Hi All,

This is my first real effort to process stars so that they do not eat all the image.
Thanks to Juan I finally managed to create a good star mask. It is not perfect yet but it is my best so far and thanks to a very stable beta I was able to work on this one for several hours without any problem whatsoever.

It's a 291 one minute unguided light frames stack.
+ 21 darks, 21 flats and 21 offsets/bias
10" Skywatcher on EQ6
Canon 350D Baader mod
Registering and stacking with DeepSkyStacker
Processing with PixInsight Standard Beta 3

Thanks for looking,


Here is a 40% crop of the central part of the frame.

Offline Juan Conejero

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NGC 891 - Canon EOS 350D
« Reply #1 on: 2006 October 01 03:17:22 »
Bonjour Luc,

You've managed to extract many small structures for a tough target. Congratulations!

I really like the stars. You still have to improve the mask and/or wavelet parameters (more aggressive deringing, perhaps) to avoid a few dark rings around the brightest stars projected over the galaxy. But you're definitely on track ;-)

It brings to my attention an extremely red object at three o'clock from the center of 891. It is faint and deeply red, and contrasts beautifully with a slightly blue star to its right. This is the kind of things that happen when the stars have been correctly processed ;-)

Way to go, Luc. Keep'em coming!
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline enzosantin

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NGC 891 - Canon EOS 350D
« Reply #2 on: 2006 October 10 01:25:50 »
congratulations for the beautiful image!
