Author Topic: PI Version random issues  (Read 921 times)

Offline Richard Christy - DarkSky|AP

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    • DarkSky|AP
PI Version random issues
« on: 2017 November 10 08:58:32 »
The past two weeks I have been experiencing random crashing, hung processes, non-responsive issues with my installed version. Being a very technical person I have done/tried everything one would typically look for: System resources, event logs, system logs, software logs, updates for OS, software, drivers, etc. I even went as far as formatting my entire system which runs PixInsight and started from scratch. It typically happens a couple days after I install the software and run updates. The updates repository never updates after the initial install of the PI distro. I have to chance the updates repositories from https to http in order to get updates. I never had to do this in the past and my network, firewall and firewall on my system are all setup the same prior to experiencing this issue.

Any thoughts, ideas are welcome. Love the software and refuse to use anything else and I have a lot of data I would love to work on haha  8)

System Settings/Hardware:
Windows 10 Enterprise x64
Gigabyte Z270x-UD3 system board
Intel i7-6950x processor
M.2 525GB SSD + 4TB RAID for archive storage
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card

Rich Christy

Celestron EdgeHD 8''
Stellarvue SV70T

ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool

Astrodon Tru-Balance LRGB E-Series Gen2
Astrodon HA, OIII, SII 3nm Narrowband