I am getting the following error running "BatchPreprocess" and need help figuring out whats wrong. I have checked each Flat and there are images in each of the CR2 files. The histogram is 1/3 to 1/2 on the camera scale. I went back and deleted the PI directories, restarted PI and tried again. Same problem. I can run the script without the Flats and everything is OK.
I am using a Canon 5DMkIV.
EDIT - The 5DMkIV has SD and CF memory cards. The only difference is that I used a SD card to take Lights, Darks and BIAS.
Whats going on?
===== ImageCalibration: 15 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped =====
49.015 s
* End calibration of flat frames
* Begin integration of flat frames
ImageIntegration: Global context
Opening files:
E:/Milky Way Wide Field/calibrated/flat/FLat_M5A0871_c.xisf
Loading image: w=6880 h=4544 n=1 Gray Float32
5 image properties
Computing image statistics: —
*** Error: E:/Milky Way Wide Field/calibrated/flat/FLat_M5A0871_c.xisf: Zero or insignificant signal detected (empty image?)
<* failed *>
* End integration of flat frames