"Thanks a million msmythers," he said sheepishly. I suppose if I hadn't experienced a moment of laziness I could have found that on my own, so thanks for your understanding.
As for the the link you provided, that helps TREMENDOUSLY! Although it doesn't seem to have been written for we mere mortals, I was able to take away enough from Juan's explanation of Superbias to get me well on my way to understanding. But equally as important was your suggestion to be sure I was using the 24 bit STF table, which made a huge difference in how I was looking at my Superbias (literally).
Attached is a shot of my bias/superbias with my new-found knowledge. Across the top is my original master, the superbias, and the difference between the two. When I finally saw my superbias in it's true form, I noticed the banding which is a function of the canon camera I created these with. So, as a part of a thought experiment, I debanded the superbias and again show the difference between the original master and the debanded superbias (bottom row). As expected, the difference image puts the banding BACK because it's in the master but not the debanded superbias.
I'm digging into the forums to find if there's any related experimentation with applying debanding at such an early stage (virtually all the workflows I've seen apply it after integration, which is what I've been doing) and will tinker myself, but I digress....
Again, thanks for your direction. Today I'm just a little bit smarter.