Author Topic: AdP Catalogues with wrong coordinates  (Read 876 times)

Offline Jakub Przybytek

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AdP Catalogues with wrong coordinates
« on: 2017 October 04 12:39:04 »

Lately, I've made a picture of surroundings of M2 (I was chasing IC1391 too). I've run PlateSolving and ImageAnnotation.
Imagine my surprise when I didn't see either M2 nor IC1391 marked! I confirmed that the plate solving succeeded by checking PGC stars - they were marked correctly.
So, I looked into the AdP code and examined messier.txt and ngc2000.txt catalogue files. I found those entries:
Code: [Select]
M2 21.557544 0.823194 12.9 6.5 and
Code: [Select]
IC1391 21.583436 0.511667 0 16
Do you see it?  :)
The declination is negated... at least it seems so to me after checking this site:

I've fixed them by simply putting the minus sign in front of declination and the ImageAnnotation started to marking those things right. So, it looks like the number is correct, just the minus sign is missing.

... or I am doing something wrong?

I haven't check the rest of the files... maybe there are other bugs?

Thanks for looking at it,
« Last Edit: 2017 October 04 13:45:01 by Jakub Przybytek »