Author Topic: Error: No installed file format can write .cr2 files  (Read 2386 times)

Offline wkrispler

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Error: No installed file format can write .cr2 files
« on: 2017 October 05 05:05:17 »

I created an image container with raw files. I would then like to batch crop those files and write them in an output directory.
Unfortunately I receive the error message "Error: No installed file format can write .cr2 files". - see also screenshot.

Does that mean that Pixinsight can read and process raw files but not write them?

So if I first need to convert all files to xsif files?

Thank you,


Offline msmythers

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Re: Error: No installed file format can write .cr2 files
« Reply #1 on: 2017 October 05 06:35:35 »

Yes PI cannot write a .cr2 file. I'm not sure of any software that writes .cr2 files other then the manufacture. You can specify the output extension in the container so you should not need to to a conversion first I believe. One thing that might happen and again I'm not sure but you might lose metadata keyword info from your cr2 files. I'm not sure but it seems I have heard this in the past so just be aware.
