Greetings. (this is kind of long
I have been working with Pixinsight for a goodly while now, and I am 'stuck' on a couple of issues.
For about a half a year now, I have been following the image processing video by Richard Bloch.
After some practicing, I have been getting better at processing.
However, I seemed to be at a point where I couldn't get things any better.
After several discussions on this forum, one member told me that when using a camera like my T3i, I needed to process all of my flats, darks,bias, etc, using the Raw and CFA settings in the Format Hints, and only when I get to the point that the Lights have been calibrated, do I use the DeBayer tool to convert the pics to color.
After following the examples that he pointed me to, my results are much worse than my Richard Bloch results.
So, here are the big questions:
Is it true that all of my processing should be done in the RAW CFA formats?
If so, is there a tutorial that will walk me through a thorough workflow on processing my files in this mode?