Author Topic: WBPP/BPP Failing with new darks  (Read 814 times)

Offline andythilo

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WBPP/BPP Failing with new darks
« on: 2020 January 27 10:34:38 »
So I've been making new dark libraries due to a light leak in my current ones. The new darks worked great with my latest 2 projects (shot before I did the new darks). However I wanted to revisit some older projects to refresh them with the new, better, Darks.

However everytime it fails. I've tried to use WBPP, BPP and DSS. DSS does create an output image but it's just oversaturated large stars, zero DSO. Pixinsight fails at star align it seems. I can't see any reason why these older lights are causing a problem. I tried re-doing the with the original darks, just to rule out corrupt files and they worked perfectly, it's only with the new darks that there's the issue.

Attached is a screen shot of the process console at the point where it starts failing. Look at the SNR figures. Any ideas? It does exactly the same thing for another set of subs.