Author Topic: My deepest M42  (Read 973 times)

Offline Alberto.I

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My deepest M42
« on: 2017 September 08 09:00:40 »
Hello everyone,

I would like to share with you an old M42 that I shooted in 2010 more or less, and I have reprocessed this summer.

Is a refurbished image, so I don't have the exact data adquisition. More or less was:
20 or 30 x 600s@800ISO
some 120s@800ISO
some 60s@800ISO
and I think I did some 4s exposures for keeping the trapezium well exposed

The equipment was Borg 101ED f/4 + HEQ5 + 350D IR Modified (No cooled)

Regarding the process, I have 2 main objectives:
-To go the deepest possible
-To separate the emision nebula from the reflection one.

To achive the first objective I used MaskedSkecht and HDRWV
To achive the second one I splitted the image channels and worked them specially the B one, that has some gradient problems, maybe for bad flat fielding (I don't remember)

M42 HDR Deep Field by Alberto, en Flickr
