Author Topic: Image Analysis - Integrating Light Frames Disparate FWHM  (Read 2186 times)

Offline rodmichael

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Image Analysis - Integrating Light Frames Disparate FWHM
« on: 2017 September 07 13:22:57 »
Is there a trick to integrating (stacking) light frames with substantially variable FWMH and Eccentricity, as calculated by the PI Image Analysis Script?

I am pre-processing and processing NB Light Frames (Ha, OIII, and SII) obtained over several nights. I have noticed the following variables and artifacts before pre-processing:
1. Fluffy clouds (but visible stars and visible target DSO (M27));
2. Median FWHM ranging from 2.6 to 4.0;
3. FWHMEccentricity ranging from 0.30 to 0.50;
4. MAD FWHM ranging from 0.21 to 0.65.

When I stack and combine frames & channels, I am getting round stars with a green halo. I have tried deconvolution, eliminating frames with suspected clouds; fiddling with Histogram Transformation;  TGVDenoise; and MLT to eliminate the green halos. To no avail. BTW I am using AIP-SHO to combine channels using the CFHT palette (HOS = RGB). I have attached a *.JPG file of the SHO-API combination.

1. What are good target values for FWHM, FWHMEccentricity, and MAD FHWM?
2. Any thoughts as to eliminating the green halos?

ASTROGRAPH: Celestron RASA, 11" f=2.22
MOUNT:  SB Paramount MX+
FILTERS: Astrodon SHO 5nm and Gen2 LRGB
GUIDING: The SkyX TPoint Supermodel and ProTrack
SOFTWARE:  SkyX Pro, PixInsight

Offline sreilly

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Re: Image Analysis - Integrating Light Frames Disparate FWHM
« Reply #1 on: 2017 September 07 15:55:11 »
Try using SCNR set for green.

OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
Pyxis 3" Rotator
Baader LRGBHa Filters
PixInsight/MaxIm/ACP/Registar/Mira AP/PS CS5